December 19, 2007

Eye exercise - Testimonial

December 19, 2007

Meagan struggled in reading, writing and math. After a year of tutoring with limited success, she was found to suffer from "eye tracking problems" and poor visual perceptual skills.

As a result of Vision Therapy, Meagan now reads with fluency. Since she is no longer skipping lines, "everything makes more sense!" Her writing and spelling have improved as well. Her teachers and parents are thrilled, and Meagan is proud.

With Vision Therapy, we saw dramatic results in a relatively short time, compared with our year of tutoring. Meagan is such a confident student now and shares her successes with me instead of asking me why all her friends could spell and she couldn't, and why did everyone else understand math and she didn't. Reading is now a joy instead of a chore. I wish we had discovered Vision Therapy sooner!

Jenny Sugiyama, Meagan's parent