Laser Vision Correction has become one of the fastest growing and popular procedures in the world to correct vision. Little does the average person know that Laser Vision Correction has actually been around for quite some time. While the advent of more affordable, smaller, and efficient lasers has sky rocketed the procedure to worldwide acclaim, the principles of laser vision correction has been around for well over thirty years. It is a safe and proven method that has given millions of people the ability to see without glasses or contact lenses.
In the beginning, the cornea was reshaped by actually cutting into the tissue. This provided good visual correction, however there were higher risks of corneal scarring. With the introduction of lasers, the same method of shaving tissue was achieved, but with much less scarring to the cornea. This resulted in cleaner, clearer visual correction. Since then, there have been many variations of the procedure. You may be familiar with Radial Keratotomy, LASIK and LASEK. These are all offshoots of the work that pioneering physicians began some thirty years ago. For the most part they all achieve the same end, just by using different techniques. Each technique offers distinct advantages depending on the type of eye you have. The type of procedure the surgeon selects to use is critical.
In the beginning, the cornea was reshaped by actually cutting into the tissue. This provided good visual correction, however there were higher risks of corneal scarring. With the introduction of lasers, the same method of shaving tissue was achieved, but with much less scarring to the cornea. This resulted in cleaner, clearer visual correction. Since then, there have been many variations of the procedure. You may be familiar with Radial Keratotomy, LASIK and LASEK. These are all offshoots of the work that pioneering physicians began some thirty years ago. For the most part they all achieve the same end, just by using different techniques. Each technique offers distinct advantages depending on the type of eye you have. The type of procedure the surgeon selects to use is critical.
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